Step-by-Step Guide: Migrating from POSModule to OpenFiskal

Written By Ferry

Last updated 5 months ago

If you're switching from POSModule to OpenFiskal, it's crucial to export and archive all relevant data according to the requirements of the RKSV (Registrierkassensicherheitsverordnung) before uninstalling POSModule. These data must be complete and accurate to comply with Austrian regulations and to be presented during any future audits by the tax authorities.


Before switching from POSModule to another provider, make sure to:

  1. Export and Archive:

    • Datenerfassungsprotokoll 7 (DEP7) in JSON format.

    • Startbeleg, Jahresbeleg, and Außerbetriebnahme-Beleg.

    • All signed receipts and transaction data.

    • Certificate and signature information from your Signaturerstellungseinheit (SCE).

    • Records of all reports made to FinanzOnline.

  2. Deregister in FinanzOnline:

    • Abmeldung der Kasse using the Außerbetriebnahme-Beleg.

    • Abmeldung der Signaturerstellungseinheit with the correct serial number.

  3. Verify Deregistration:

    • Check under "Abfragen" > "Registrierkassen" in FinanzOnline to confirm successful deregistration.

    • Save or print the confirmation (DEP7 report) for your records.

  4. Uninstall POSModule:

    • Remove the app from your Shopify store after all data has been secured and official steps completed.

1. Exporting Necessary Data from POSModule

Before switching providers, ensure you export and archive the following data:

1.1 Datenerfassungsprotokoll 7 (DEP7)

The Datenerfassungsprotokoll 7 (DEP7) is a central file containing all relevant cash register transactions. It includes:

  • All signed receipts (e.g., cash transactions, cancellation receipts, training receipts).

  • Information about the Signaturerstellungseinheit (Sicherheitskarte)—the signature creation device.

  • Details about the Kassen-ID (cash register ID) and corresponding timestamps.

The DEP7 must be complete (lückenlos) and include all transactions processed through your cash register. Ensure the DEP is exported in the JSON format as required by the Austrian tax authorities.

1.2 Startbeleg, Jahresbeleg, and Außerbetriebnahme-Beleg

  • Startbeleg: The initial receipt generated when the cash register is first activated. This must be archived.

  • Jahresbeleg: At the end of each fiscal year, create and archive an annual receipt to verify that the signatures are functioning correctly.

  • Außerbetriebnahme-Beleg: When deactivating the cash register or switching providers, generate a decommissioning receipt to document the proper shutdown of the cash register.

1.3 Certificate and Signature Information

  • Export all information related to the Signaturerstellungseinheit (SCE), especially the Signaturzertifikat(signature certificate) that was active during the use of the cash register.

  • This includes exporting the Schlüsselzertifikate (key certificates) and details about the Zertifikatsanbieter(certificate provider), such as A-Trust or Fiskaly.

1.4 Receipts and Transactions

  • Archive all signed individual receipts processed by the cash register. These must be RKSV-compliant and properly signed.

  • Receipts can be archived digitally or in paper form, but digital archiving is generally simpler and saves space.

1.5 Kassen-ID and Cash Register Information

  • Archive the unique Kassen-ID (cash register identification number) along with the exported data.

  • Document the cash registers used and their Softwareversionen (software versions).

1.6 Meldungen an FinanzOnline (Reports to FinanzOnline)

  • Archive all records of reports made to FinanzOnline (FON), such as:

    • Registrierung der Signaturerstellungseinheit (registration of the signature creation device).

    • Abmeldung (deregistration) when switching signature providers.

    • Reports concerning the Startbeleg and Jahresbeleg.

1.7 Fehlermeldungen und Prüfprotokolle (Error Messages and Audit Logs)

  • Archive any Fehlermeldungen (error messages) that occurred during the operation of the cash register or signature creation device.

  • Store all Prüfprotokolle (audit logs), especially those generated using the BMF-Prüftool (audit tool provided by the Austrian Ministry of Finance).

1.8 Creating a DEP7-Export

Many cash register solutions offer the option to perform a DEP7-Export, which includes all the above data in a structured format. This export should be regularly saved and securely archived.

2. Steps in FinanzOnline (FON) Before Switching

Before uninstalling POSModule and switching to OpenFiskal, you need to complete certain formal steps in FinanzOnline:

2.1 Abmeldung der Kasse (Deregistering the Cash Register)

  • Log in to FinanzOnline at

  • Navigate to "Eingaben" > "Registrierkassen" > "Kasse abmelden".

  • Select the cash register you wish to deregister.

  • Enter the details of the Außerbetriebnahme-Beleg (decommissioning receipt) that you generated earlier.

  • Confirm the deregistration by submitting the form.

2.2 Abmeldung der Signaturerstellungseinheit (Deregistering the Signature Creation Device)

  • In FinanzOnline, go to "Eingaben" > "Registrierkassen" > "Sicherheitseinrichtungen abmelden".

  • Deregister the Signaturerstellungseinheit (Sicherheitseinrichtung) associated with your old cash register.

  • Ensure you correctly enter the Seriennummer (serial number) of the signature creation device (often referred to as Zertifikatsseriennummer).

2.3 Verification of Deregistration

  • After deregistering, navigate to "Abfragen" > "Registrierkassen" to verify that the cash register and security device are no longer listed as active.

  • Print or save the confirmation for your records (this is sometimes referred to as the DEP7 report in FinanzOnline).

3. Uninstalling POSModule

Once you've exported all necessary data and completed the steps in FinanzOnline, you can proceed to uninstall the POSModule app from your Shopify store.

How to Uninstall POSModule:

  • Log in to your Shopify Admin panel.

  • Navigate to "Apps" and find POSModule.

  • Click on "Delete" or "Uninstall" next to the POSModule app.

  • Confirm the uninstallation when prompted.

Note: After uninstalling POSModule, the data you've exported has to remain available for your records. Ensure you store this information securely, as it's required for compliance with Austrian tax regulations and must be kept for at least 7 years (gesetzliche Aufbewahrungsfrist von mindestens 7 Jahren).

Important Notes:

  • German Terminology: Using the German terms is essential when navigating FinanzOnline and handling RKSV-specific documents, as the official systems and legal requirements are in German. This ensures accuracy and compliance during the transition process.

  • Data Retention: All exported data must be securely archived for at least 7 years to comply with Austrian tax laws.

  • Support: If you need assistance during this process, don't hesitate to contact your new provider's support team or consult with a tax professional familiar with Austrian RKSV regulations.

Legal Disclaimer:

The information provided on this page is for general informational purposes only and is not intended to serve as legal or tax advice. While we strive to ensure the accuracy of the content, we recommend consulting with a qualified tax advisor or legal professional to ensure full compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, including the Registrierkassensicherheitsverordnung (RKSV). OpenFiskal is not responsible for any errors or omissions, or for results obtained from the use of this information. All users are encouraged to verify procedures with relevant authorities such as FinanzOnline or their respective tax consultants.